Health and Wellness

What immunizations does my student need?
Students are required to have up-to-date documentation against tetanus/diphtheria, mumps, measles and rubella (MMR). Find specific requirements through the Student Center for Health and Counseling at 218-755-2053,

What if my student is not covered by my insurance?
All individuals are required by the Affordable Care Act to have health insurance. MNSure is the state marketplace where uninsured individuals can shop and sign up for insurance. If you have questions about health insurance, please contact Kristi Reiplinger at or 218-755-2777.

What if my student already has insurance coverage?
If a student already has other (non-University Health Plan) it can be used at the Student Center for Health and Counseling. They need to have their insurance information available when they submit requests, as they will be asked detailed information about their existing coverage.

What should my student do if they are sick?
Bemidji State University’s Student Center for Health and Counseling provides confidential medical treatment and counseling for all students. Office visits require an appointment, which can usually be made the same day by calling 218-755-2053, however, walk-in appointments are also available.

Who can my student talk to if they are homesick or having difficulty adjusting to campus life?
Mental health services are available for all Bemidji State University students through the Student Center for Student Health and Counseling. If they live in the residence halls, the resident assistants (RA’s) and hall directors are also equipped with the tools to assist in this situation.

What happens when the Center for Student Health and Counseling is not open?
In the event of a true medical or mental health emergency, students should call 911 immediately and arrange for ambulatory transport to Sanford hospital.

What should my student do if they have dietary restrictions?
In partnership with dining services, Bemidji State University offers nutrition services to all students with special dietary needs, free of charge. If your student has medical or dietary restrictions, he or she should contact dining services at 218-444-7576 ext. 20 for an individual consultation. In certain circumstances, a meal plan exemption may be made.

Where can my student go to sign up for exercise classes or recreational activities?
Bemidji State’s students are automatically members of the Gillett Wellness Center once you have paid their student fees, obtain their student ID cards and meet the minimum enrollment requirements. BSU’s Department of Campus Recreation also oversees club sports, intramurals and offers health and wellness opportunities throughout the year.