Parents frequently have questions that relate to student responsibility and our campus community standards. Some of the most common questions are listed below. You may contact the office of Vice President for Student Life and Success directly by calling 218-755-2075 or emailing at
How are students notified of policies on campus?
The university’s overall policies, community standards and residence hall policies are outlined and available online in the Student Handbook. It is the student’s responsibility to review and understand the policies and expectations of student behavior.
How does the conduct process operate?
If a student is documented as being involved in a potential policy violation, he or she will receive a notice for an “individual hearing.” At that time, your student will have the opportunity to discuss the incident with a university hearing officer. This hearing is set apart from any civil or criminal legal process. Our objective is to teach students to accept responsibility for their actions, help them realize the impact of their decisions and to foster positive community values. Students must represent themselves. Attorneys are not permitted. Failure to attend will result in the case being decided in the student’s absence, as well as a failure to comply violation.
Should the student accept responsibility for the charges, he or she will receive sanctions designed to educate them about how their actions impact themselves and others. If a student does not agree with the violation(s) or sanctions, they have three days to appeal. The appeal will be sent to the Vice President for Student Life and Success for students on campus, or the Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for off-campus and academic concerns. Its determination is final.
Will I be notified if my student has to attend an individual hearing?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act prohibits sharing information unless the student gives you permission to speak on their behalf.
What kind of consequences can result from my student’s misconduct?
Sanctions are assigned based on the violation and the frequency of the violation and can include: disciplinary warning, university censure, disciplinary probation, housing probation (restrictions on the student’s ability to live in apartment-style housing), attendance at an alcohol education program, community service, counseling referrals, loss of privileges, or restitution, as well as research and/or reflection papers. For more severe policy violations, such as sexual assault or repeated violations (numerous alcohol or drug violations), students could face suspension or expulsion.